Friday, November 19, 2004




(bad day)

Edited coz it was annoying me it wouldn't fit on the page

Snow Day

didn't happen :( An hour after the snow stopped falling, the rain came the rain!! So this morning the snow had gone and it was work as usual. Mind you, it was very picturesque, lots of glistening frost on the ground and hugging tree branches (the frost that is, not me)

Now I'm making the most of being at work. People keep asking me if I'm ill or upset. I got up early this morning as I had a feeling I would have trouble with my shiny new contact lenses and trouble I did have. It took me ages to get them in, they just kept sticking to my finger. When I did mange to get them in my eye they kept folding up GGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I finally managed it and didnt have any time to put on my make up or eat breakfast. I looked like I had been 3 rounds with Tyson and been up crying all night....not a pretty sight (oooh that rhymed!)

Am getting used to them now.

Well it's lunch so I suppose I oughta think about food....its my new diet, I just think about the food instead of eating it....means I can have whatever I want whenever I want.....hmmmm what to have? Me thinks............................................Hot pork sandwhich on 3 slices with mounds of stuffing, loads of crackling and apple sauce....ooooozzing with gravy..........yum yum!!

Thursday, November 18, 2004

I can't believe......

ITS SNOWING! Its white over with snow outside!!! I had no idea it was going to snow today, no one mentioned it on the weather or at work!!! Its only been snowing less than 20 minutes and its white over and still ghoing!!
Hope we get a snow day tomorrow at work (a school!)

First contact

Specsavers...the final frontier...these are the voyages of....well me actually (told you i was boring and sad!)

well iI went back to specsavers today and it was one of the most bizarre experiences of my life! Went in and they had all the wrong details down for me, address etc. So we sorted all that and went upstairs ready for the tests n stuff. She retested my vison quickly to make sure...good job as my prescription seems to have altered from yesterday to today. It was only when she started to measure my eyeballs that things started to get wierd. She did my right eye first and although the light in the eye thing was uncomfortable and wierd it was to be able to see the veins in my eye LOL! Then she moved onto the left eye. I was feeling a little uncomfortable that i had all this stuff goin on around me, then she shone the lighty thing in my eye and i began to feel very lets say....woosy! In the end I had to say (when she wanted to do it again) that it was making me feel unwell. I went all hot and felt as if i was going to pass out. I couldnt concentrate on what she was saying and felt hard to breath. She got me a glass of water and turned the temperature down and I was ok. I phoned my friend and she agreed to pick me up.

So now I have shiny new eyes and am wearing them as I speak to you. what do you think? 0,0
Does my bum look big in these contact lenses? Maybe its just because someone moved the floor nearer my eyes.

Ok so its taken me a while (and and anxiety attack) to get used to them but alls well that ends well....Im off to recover! (and hide in shame from my freaklike existance and my star trek quotes)

I'm sorry I must have missed your phone call! (rant)

Sorry this is a bit of a rant.

Aren't there just some things that really annoy you? Like old ladies moaning about the youth of today while pushing you over in the bus queue, or getting home to realise someone ate the chocolate cupcakes that you have been dreaming about all day?(I won't mention Aaron's name) Well I had an agro moment today....I can get a little agro at times :s

So, I went to the opticians for my sight test and I have gone up 2 steps in my prescription apparently (whatever that means) I sat there and some guy with the worlds heougist moostache poked around in my eyes and got me to read stuff about beautiful tree's. It was only when I had been through all that that he told me that actually I couldnt have my contact lense test today as the lady who teaches you how to put them in has gone home sick!!! I was most unimpressed....and said...well no one called to let me know...I mean I could have gione in tomorrow instead of today and done it all in one I have to go back tomorrow!! Now correct me if I'm wrong but surely the optician guy himself knows how to put them in!!!!

aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnyways...i have that off my chest now.

Am now chilling and will come back a bit later with something a little more cheery...TTFN

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Tommy Double Barrell Double Barrell

*some of the names in this story have been changed to protect the identity of the person/people know who you are....andfor that i am truly sorry*

Got home from work tonight and read my emails and Tommy signed in on MSN. We had a good old chin wag and a catch up on all things Dudley and Bristol. A general chit chat about wedding plans and got round to the subject guessed it...blogs!!

Tommy said i had copied him by getting a blog and by getting contact lenses (which i havent got yet but going to opticians tomorrow) and he said he'd copied Tristan by getting a blog and contact lenses ( i want to know who Tristan copied getting a blog and contact lenses?) Then i said in the spirit of copying, he had to put a pic on his profile because i had (just incase you hadn't noticed!) So he did, thanks to Aaron (who has no idea why I'm thanking him at this present moment) and now its gone again but will be back shortly, at the earliest 23 minutes time.

I then asked Tommy what the DB stood for on his username....of course which is Double Barrell as his name is double barrelled. Well that set the mind of Emma (a seperate entity) working over time...what if Tom met and married a woman with a double barrelled name and wated to double double barrell their names. For example if Tommy me Miss Betty Sky-Rocket the would become the Spye-Pumsby-Sky-Rockets BUT if he met Miss Betty Spye-Rocket they would be the Spye-Pumsby-Spye-Rockets!!!!

Tommy Please dont marry Miss Betty Skye(orSpye) - Rocket!! I beg you

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Shooby dooby doo

I was feeling experimental...and had drawn a blank on writing my reports....and in true Homer Simpson style, all that was in my mind was shooby dooby dooooo. So, i decided to conduct an experiment and see what would happen if I Googled shooby dooby doo.

Actually, at first i typed it in wrong putting an e after the b of shooby (ie. shoobey) and Google very judgementally said "Do you mean shooby dooby doo?" (ok i know its a search engine and has no spoosible way of judging me but I was in one of those moods)

So i hit search and i was amazed at the amount of sites that came up!! There was a whole array, a lot of them centering around Mariah Carey and her ability to warble.

There was one from Ebay where apparently I can buy discounted Dooby doo's...what are they? Answers on a postcard please.

But i eventually got bored when after that all I could find was lyrics for Shaggy several languages........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

So now I am back to being bored, hiding in gallery again and I just ate a sausage sandwhich, I have no interesting thoughts at all at the moment and nothing interesting is happening either, but then this is a school and school is universally boring.

I did go on a site that predicted the chance of us having snow in the west midlands at christmas, It was 50%. I thought that odd so i did it again and it said 10%, so because of the law of odd numbers (what?) i tried again and this time it was 20%...i concluded that no one could possibly guess and that this was just random...kind of like this entry which is just my random thought processes....i better shut up before you have me committed.....catch you later( when something less boring has happened....why dont you? why dont you? dee dad da da de dum!)

What are you trying to tell me Lord?

Well as i told you all I had my first stint as P.A on Sunday morning flying solo and all in all I feel it didnt go too badly! Have got used to the equipment and learned pretty much what sounds good and how people "like" stuff and what should happen tody? Well i'll tell you.....

Are you sitting Comfortably?

So...I get into work this morning and sit in my usual spot for the morning meeting. In walks Darren G and says I'll never guess whats happened this morning!! What ? What? what could it be? bear with me i'm building the atmosphere...If i had scary jaws type music i would be playing it here

anyway, where was i? Oh yes...he then telle me he turned up for the early morning prayer meeting at church this morning and as he goes to open the door Ivan yells "Don't put your hand on that door" aghast (is that a word or did i make it up?0 Darren steps back to realise the police are dusting it for finger prints...Inside was some of the music/P.A equipment all boxed, lined up and ready to go...Turns out two of the church members walked in at 5:30am and disturbed the burglars, who must have been there for hours boxing up all our equipment and loading it into their van!!!!! Scoundrels!!

So half of the P.A is now missing...we still have the desk....grrr they could have at least taken that we could do with a new one!! hehe......they took soem of the instruments too so now we have to struggle through with just the odds and ends left for a few weeks until its all sorted out!!

Just makes you wonder...did God think i was that bad? hehe!!! Mind u, they left the desk so maybe not!!!!

Well we are all under lock and key and stepped up security now so alls well that ends well.

Now i am off to feed my Benylin addiction that Loz has just reminded me of...thought i was twitching, haventhad a fix today.........mmmmmmmmmmmm benylin...mediciney!

Monday, November 15, 2004

mmmmmmmmmmm party rings

Ok ok...I know...I always say I'll do one thing and actually I do another and last night was no exception. I said I was going to some random circus nativity thing at another church, but infact I sat and ate 16 party rings (remember those?) infront of the tv in Karens front room. A waste of time I hear you cry but no....I perfected the art of eating them in the correct fashion; pink with white stripes first, then the purple with white stripe, nest the light pink with yellow stripes leaving the mangy yellow and orange ones in the pack...(which Karen the ate) Each one was picked up by inserting your little finger through the hole and eating round it.....its the only way to spend Sunday evening

ahem after going to church of course ahem

So now its lunch time and I am at work, hiding in my usual hangout....the gallery. As far away from the maddening crowd as possible and once again chatting away to you guys. Chris is sitting next to me making Fraction Bingo cards and he has hidden his sweets from me...a good job really as all the sugar from the party rings gave me a headache.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanywho i have little else to say as nothing has happened yet, but i am going to let people poke me in th eye later today so maybe that will make a more interesting read tomorrow.

Now i can't stop thinking about...

Paint! and i'm supposed to be doing my reportts, but all thats going round in my mind is...what colour will my kitchen be?

Oh another exciting nugget from the mind of Emma I hear you cry! But anyone who knows me even a little bit will catch on pretty quickly that I worry an unecesary amount about stupid stuff. Those who have been unfortunate enough to be in earshot over the last week or six will have seen me stress majorly over the upcomming house move....or lack of it.

Aaron and I (i say I in the lossest possible sense as I'm not actually moving in yet obviously) have been moving house since September!! Well, that is, our house was supposed to be ready then and it isn't. 5 weeks to got and there is a distinct lack of bathrooms, kitchens, ceilings, paint and furniture, infact we may as well live in a field with a box and a dog and call any children we may bare Rain and knit her clothes from wheat. Anyway, I digress. Long stroy short, the owners have met a few set backs and the house is still unfinished....actually almst i have been aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh until yesterday when we were finally given the datye of 7th December for the move hoooorah!! and now all i can think about is paint....sad isnt it

No point to this other than i needed to get it off my chest!!

Done :)


I only joined this blog thing to comment on Toms blog and didnt want one of my own. But still im here and no one is reading this because i haven't told any of you I am writing this!!


Well not a lot happened really...I had my firts session on the p.a desk solo this morning. Was ok but when the leader woman was talking up the front about a minutes silence for rememberance day i knocked over a big pile of CD's!! i console myself in the fact that it wasn't during the actual minutes silence. P.A was fun but thrown in at deep end with requestsfrom peple "can you play this CD when i nod" "can you play this video when i nod?"

(me) - tremble tremble aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhh!!

but was ok

And so...rememberance day....hate it when people call it poppy reason, just do. Was really put out about the lack of peopole wearing poppies, doesnt hurt to spare a thought (emma puts her soap box away)

Oddly enough, off to a nativity play tonight with Aaron. A little early i said but its a circus tour type thing at another church.

i have nothing else to say...well actually i have loads but wont bore on about it just yet