Thursday, November 18, 2004

First contact

Specsavers...the final frontier...these are the voyages of....well me actually (told you i was boring and sad!)

well iI went back to specsavers today and it was one of the most bizarre experiences of my life! Went in and they had all the wrong details down for me, address etc. So we sorted all that and went upstairs ready for the tests n stuff. She retested my vison quickly to make sure...good job as my prescription seems to have altered from yesterday to today. It was only when she started to measure my eyeballs that things started to get wierd. She did my right eye first and although the light in the eye thing was uncomfortable and wierd it was to be able to see the veins in my eye LOL! Then she moved onto the left eye. I was feeling a little uncomfortable that i had all this stuff goin on around me, then she shone the lighty thing in my eye and i began to feel very lets say....woosy! In the end I had to say (when she wanted to do it again) that it was making me feel unwell. I went all hot and felt as if i was going to pass out. I couldnt concentrate on what she was saying and felt hard to breath. She got me a glass of water and turned the temperature down and I was ok. I phoned my friend and she agreed to pick me up.

So now I have shiny new eyes and am wearing them as I speak to you. what do you think? 0,0
Does my bum look big in these contact lenses? Maybe its just because someone moved the floor nearer my eyes.

Ok so its taken me a while (and and anxiety attack) to get used to them but alls well that ends well....Im off to recover! (and hide in shame from my freaklike existance and my star trek quotes)


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