I was feeling experimental...and had drawn a blank on writing my reports....and in true Homer Simpson style, all that was in my mind was shooby dooby dooooo. So, i decided to conduct an experiment and see what would happen if I Googled shooby dooby doo.
Actually, at first i typed it in wrong putting an e after the b of shooby (ie. shoobey) and Google very judgementally said "Do you mean shooby dooby doo?" (ok i know its a search engine and has no spoosible way of judging me but I was in one of those moods)
So i hit search and i was amazed at the amount of sites that came up!! There was a whole array, a lot of them centering around Mariah Carey and her ability to warble.
There was one from Ebay where apparently I can buy discounted Dooby doo's...what are they? Answers on a postcard please.
But i eventually got bored when after that all I could find was lyrics for Shaggy songs...in several languages........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
So now I am back to being bored, hiding in gallery again and I just ate a sausage sandwhich, I have no interesting thoughts at all at the moment and nothing interesting is happening either, but then this is a school and school is universally boring.
I did go on a site that predicted the chance of us having snow in the west midlands at christmas, It was 50%. I thought that odd so i did it again and it said 10%, so because of the law of odd numbers (what?) i tried again and this time it was 20%...i concluded that no one could possibly guess and that this was just random...kind of like this entry which is just my random thought processes....i better shut up before you have me committed.....catch you later( when something less boring has happened....why dont you? why dont you? dee dad da da de dum!)