My Sincere Appologies!
For not keeping up with this see I'm so important and my life is filled with excitement. Finding a window to relax and blog is nigh on impossible as my time is so precious and in high demand
*the above may have been doctored for dramatic effect and so may not be strictly true. Am really dumb blonde who cannot organise her time in order to fit in 15 mins typing time, when infact spend several hours a day at a computer*
In reality, i cant believe this time next week I'll be trotting down the aisle infront of most people who read this and marying Mr Sealey!!!!!!!! Hoooraahh for us!!
I'm so stressed :s
*the above may have been doctored for dramatic effect and so may not be strictly true. Am really dumb blonde who cannot organise her time in order to fit in 15 mins typing time, when infact spend several hours a day at a computer*
In reality, i cant believe this time next week I'll be trotting down the aisle infront of most people who read this and marying Mr Sealey!!!!!!!! Hoooraahh for us!!
I'm so stressed :s