My Sincere Appologies!
For not keeping up with this see I'm so important and my life is filled with excitement. Finding a window to relax and blog is nigh on impossible as my time is so precious and in high demand
*the above may have been doctored for dramatic effect and so may not be strictly true. Am really dumb blonde who cannot organise her time in order to fit in 15 mins typing time, when infact spend several hours a day at a computer*
In reality, i cant believe this time next week I'll be trotting down the aisle infront of most people who read this and marying Mr Sealey!!!!!!!! Hoooraahh for us!!
I'm so stressed :s
*the above may have been doctored for dramatic effect and so may not be strictly true. Am really dumb blonde who cannot organise her time in order to fit in 15 mins typing time, when infact spend several hours a day at a computer*
In reality, i cant believe this time next week I'll be trotting down the aisle infront of most people who read this and marying Mr Sealey!!!!!!!! Hoooraahh for us!!
I'm so stressed :s
Marying someone is very hard...
What is it?
And don't worry. Me and Shaneen have got the more nerve racking part :P :P :P
Yeah right!
see i knew you'd comment onm that......not sure wot marying is, but maybe we'll find out on wednesday. You may have the nerve racking role on the day, but i have to live with a boy forever!!!!
My Oh My your wedding has creeped up mighty fast - sorry I couldn't be there. Think of my at work when you are walking down the aisle ;)
Have fun love you lots xx
Loz as Im drifting down the aisle I will be sure to have my mind on you at work my dear...what else would i be thinking of LOL!!
Chic i am so sincerely saddened that you cant be there as well lets face it, you gave us our first few days together...what more could we ask was you i confessed my dream to at Rich and claires, before going to Forest of Dean!!! Do you remember the noisy neighbours? lol!!!
All we can do is thank you :)
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