Well its finally here, the Easter holidays and not a moment too soon!!
This last term has been one of the most stressful times of my life!!
Dont know what I have done since I last blogged as have no idea when I last blogged but I am well caught up on what everyone else has been uip too!
I realise I have just bigged up Aaron as the best bloke in the world and what does he do? He has just walked in and sat down next to me, and opened a Subway (the sandwhich Tommy not an actual subway) WHERE'S MINE?? huh huh? now he is teasing me with it!!!
BTW Mafia he only just told me that you tryed to MSN me last night too....I wasnt there obviously I was a worship preactice hiding behind the PA desk as I wanted the whole world to go away and there was only me to do PA gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sorry will try to be present next time I am signed in :)
Aarons sandwich smells really good, jowever i dont ever really like Subways sandwhiches very much, they are always an anti-climax.
Dont supose I will get to blog too much over the holidays well not the first week anyway as we will be at Aarons 'rents house. Howvere the second week Karen and Bish are going to Scotland so the whole house will be ours YAY ;)
Well I dont know what else to say really ..... i do have some news here and there, I think I told you all I am finally applying to do my degree, at Lancashire Uni but its web based so wont have to go there very often. Also have something else in the pipeline but Aaron will kill me if I tell you about it so my lips are sealed (its a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG term oplan anyways :))
Well thats about it for now, will try to update a bit more often but franbkly i am boring and dont have much to say. Im sure I'll find you a few more annoying games as i go tho.