Monday, August 01, 2005

We'll Meet Again...................

Well I'm back home and pining like a dog! Bristol came and went and now I'm all alone again in Brummy land!! (actually Dudley, which is not Birmingham AT ALL!!!) But honestly you just cant leave for 5 minutes without all kinds of things happening. I mean, tornado's, really, whats that about? My poor poor homeland people, Im just thankful that people are ok...praise God! We really do have it all up here, earthquakes, tornadoes...whats next? a volcano in Rowley Regis? Well actually Im told Rowley Regis was a volcano....obviously extinct now....or I'd be panicking in this day and age!!

So Bristol..............well Mr Aaron and i visited the lovely Aunty betty and had muchos foodos!! Which is more than I can say for Mr Jamie Lee who only went 3 rounds at the all you can eat romantic buffet for 2 that was wednesday gone!! He then promptly complained he felt sick all afternoon!!! Must have been why he cheated on Monopoly!!! Good old jamie gotta love him :)

What else? I met up with Lisa mafia too!! Bird you are a funky diva. What can I say...the day was wild.......full of low sloping ceilings, bass guitars, wierd caramel coffe and strange objects in the sink...all I can say is are you selling your eggs in strict rotation? (for more see Lisa's future blog)

Rest of the week I bummed around Bristol until my final hour.......................CHOCOLATE FUDGE CAKE! yes my visit to the one and only Ms Jones!! We had a jolly old time eating sandwhiches and cake with cream and printer ink! and well wasnt that an episode!? I turned up to Sanctuary and there was lauren, hands black with ink, someone had broken the printer and it exploded all over her (havent read blogs yet so appologise to Ms Jones if you blogged about this) to cut a long story short, someone in their infinite wisdom had wedged a pair of scissors on the printer and now the thing was spewing ink all over the shop...infact3 days on and its still on my skin a little!!! So we used a rainforest full of tissues and cleared that lil job up!!! and i went on my merry way...thanks Ms Jones, that will remain with me forever :)

On one of my solo trips around Bristol I found myself in Brandon Hill park. 2 things happened while I was there. I was standing in top of the hill, surveying the landscape as you do when it bought to my rememberance the first time i ever came to Bristol. Adam Picked me up, we met Tristan and went on our merry way to Clifton suspension bridge. While there a funy little conversation took place:

we were, the three of us, standing on the bridge looking out over the surrounding areas

Adam: "Did you know that this is the highest point in bristol?"

Emma and Tristan turn to look at the massive hill behind them

Emma: "are you sure the top of that massive hill isn't the highest point?!"

all of us burst into laughter...........ahhh suppose you had to be there but it was enough to make me laugh outloud to myself in the park lol!!

Werl i came, i saw, i blogged

look after yourselves, and each other.....till next time xxx


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yey she blogged and if I look at my fingers I can still find trace of the exploding printer on them!!! I havent tidied it up yet either it is still draining lol.

August 1, 2005 at 11:00 PM  
Blogger TommyDB said...


A fresh Emma post to read!


August 2, 2005 at 6:32 PM  
Blogger TommyDB said...

Is it next time yet?

August 11, 2005 at 5:39 PM  

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