Friday, May 20, 2005

Here I Am

Over here!!!!!!!!

Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well, what to say. Theres so much I wanna say to you all but I just I wouldnt be good or right. Its been a tough time recently and I dont wanna dwell in it anymore. Things have happened, not all have involved me but all have affected me deeply and its been a hurtful time. Everytime I have tried to detatch myself I have been bought further into it and I just wanna poke myself in the brain until it all falls from my remembereance.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh now thats said I feel better!!

I have a problem at the moment and the trouble is no one can help me with it. If I do what I think is right and act on it people will want to know my reasons and then people will get hurt in a BIG way.....if I act and dont explain myself in order to protect said people then I will look like the bad guy (again as have been in a similar but less serious position before recently) and Im fed up of coming over as the bad guy when all i am doing is protecting people who dont even know I am doing so. My only other option is to carry on as things are......but I know that cant happen either as I would be condoning things I shouldnt...but people wouldnt get hurt IYSWIM

AAAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH I hate dilemas!!!! I wish none of this stuff was going on. Its not just one situation it is many, some I can say, some I cant but I want it to stop!!!!!

Please pray for this as i dont know what to do and only God can sort it....also we are still homeless and tehj buoilding work where we are staying is starting this week and now little Jacob (who is 2) is in hospital and is poorly. WE NEED YOUR PRAYERS!!!!

Apart from that things are fine and I have come to realise that God is with me and I am not as much of a loser as the devil has being trying to convince me that I am of late......Sorry my recent posts have been so stressy but this has been the only place i can let it you all



Blogger TommyDB said...

Em, you is a star.

Jer 29:11 (NIV) "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

May 21, 2005 at 12:14 AM  
Blogger Mafia! said...

wow...u blogged! Happy days!!
Listen to Tom :)

Also, honesty is always best, even if people are going to get hurt. Chances are they'd get hurt anyway later on, better now than then. I just generally prefer honesty and I prefer when people are honest with me. It saves a lot of time and effort.

Hope ur feelin a bit better :D

May 21, 2005 at 3:05 AM  

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